Orders are delivered within 2 - 3 business days. If you have provided a mobile phone number, you will receive a text message to track your order and estimated delivery time. If you are not home during the delivery, and it is deemed safe by the delivery driver, your order will be left outside your front door. Rest assured, your order will be packed with plenty of ice to keep the seafood chilled for up to 6 - 8 hours.
Once goods are accepted either by signature or confirmed delivery, we will not accept returns or refunds. We allow all customers to inspect goods upon arrival but once delivered and accepted by you, holds no liability over the quality, storage, treatment or preparation of such products. We deliver all goods under temperature control with the highest standards possible.
If you are dissatisfied with a specific product for quality reasons, please contact our customer support team at 1300 095 746 or email us at within 2 working days of the delivery date.