Robust Lawn Seed Blend 5kg

Product ID: 407029

Robust Lawn Seed Blend 5kg

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Shipped by: Andala Pets and Rural

Robust Lawn Seed Blend 5kg is perfect for gardeners and farmers who want to maintain a lush green lawn throughout the year. This seed blend contains four different types of grasses: RT perennial ryegrass, Highland bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and Creeping red fine fescue. These grasses provide hardiness and durability in a variety of soil types - making it easy to keep your yard looking beautiful without having to put in too much work. Plus, once your lawn is established, you'll be able to enjoy a maintenance-free lawn that requires little effort on your end. With Robust Lawn Seed Blend 5kg, you can create a stunning outdoor living space that you can be proud of for years to come. Suited to a variety of soil types Low maintenance once established Provides lush green lawn throughout the entire year Contains the following seeds; RT perennial ryegrass Highland bentgrass Kentucky bluegrass Creeping red fine fescue


Robust Lawn Seed Blend 5kg is perfect for gardeners and farmers who want to maintain a lush green lawn throughout the year.
