Joseph Joseph 17cm Double Dish Snacks/Olives/Nuts Stacked Bowl Servingware Grey

Product ID: 392696

Joseph Joseph 17cm Double Dish Snacks/Olives/Nuts Stacked Bowl Servingware Grey

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Joseph Joseph Double Dish - Grey

This clever bowl provides the perfect solution to serving snacks such as olives or pistachio nuts, with their inedible stones and shells. The unique design is actually two bowls stacked on top of each other, with the lower one curved outwards in three places creating chutes down which food waste can be dropped. As well as hiding unsightly waste, it also eliminates the need for any additional bowls or plates on the table that would normally be required to hold these items. Dishwasher safe.

Dimensions: 17.8 x 16.8 x 6.2 cm Approx
Colour: Grey

1 x Double Dish
